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Shower Gurney and Strechers

Shower Gurneys and Stretchers.
Scroll down to see our selection of shower gurneys and stretchers for sale.Shower gurneys and stretchers are used in facilities to transport an immobile patient to and from a bathing area. We carry a wide selection of shower gurneys and stretchers for sale including multi-position and adjustable shower gurneys, PVC sling shower stretchers, self propelled shower stretchers, bariatric shower gurneys and all terrain beach stretchers for outdoor activities.
What are shower gurneys and stretchers? Shower gurneys and stretchers are rolling devices that allows a patient with limited body movement and strength to be transported to a bathing area. The patient can then remain on the shower gurney or stretcher while being bathed for they are made of water resistance materials. The medical grade PVC piping frame and mesh sling are durable and long lasting making shower gurneys and stretchers valuable medical equipment.