Gurneys & Stretchers

Gurneys, stretchers
shower gurneys, PVC shower gurney, ferno gurney
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Gurneys and stretchers are listed on our site for several different applications. We carry many different style and types, several PVC shower gurneys, and PVC stretchers designed to be used various type situation including shower gurneys self propelled stretchers and even all terrain stretchers that can be taken to the beach. Surge Overflow Bed Stretcher and Gurney multi packs for your medical facility or clinic. Multi level Ferno Gurneys that may be used by EMT workers. Visit out site to find medical gurneys and stretchers for use in hospitals or in your own home. .Gurneys and stretchers are a mobile equipment device generally with wheels, used to transports patients. Standard gurneys have several adjustments. The gurney or stretcher can be raised or lowered to comfortably transport patients. The head of the gurney can be raised so that the patient is in a sitting position or lowered flat in order to perform CPR or medical procedures. However stretchers and guryneys also used for various applications such as showering or even a trip to the beach. ..