Elderly Recliners and Specialty Seating Chairs By Winco

5000 & 6000 Series Trendelenburg and Non-Trendelenburg
Treatment and Elderly Care Recliners
is a Trendelenburg Recliner?
Trendelenburg refers to positioning the feet about the head.
Trendelenburg Recliners are recliners that have a deep
recline position
where the patients head is below the level of his or her feet.
This is beneficial
for many health conditions and during certain forms of medical
treatment or surgeries.
A Non-Trendelenburg Reclines simply means that it is a normal
and reclines back to a normal position. We differentiate
between the two
specifically on our website because a large portion of treatment
reclines are
Trendelenburg style so we want to make it clear to our customers which
they are ordering.