Wheelchair Accessories

Wheelchair Accessories
Wheelchair Accessories for Comfort, Safety and Recreational Purposes.
Scroll down to see our selection of Wheelchair Accessories and Attachments for sale.
Wheelchair accessories are used in conjunction with a wheelchair to assist the user. We carry a large variety of wheelchair accessories including cushions, ramps, cup holders, adaptive positioners and safety belts. We also have recreational wheelchair accessories for activities like fishing and bowling.Wheelchair accessories are a device intended for medical purposes And are sold separately from a wheelchair and are intended to meet the specific needs of a patient. Wheelchair accessories help the elderly and disabled with daily activities they are otherwise unable to do. Having to devote both arms to maneuvering the chair, wheelchair accessories like cup holders and trays, allow them to take things with them. Wheelchair accessories like safety belts, adaptive positioners and footrest attachments help to position the user. Exit alarms, anti roll back and anti tipper wheelchair accessories insure the safety of the user and reduce injury. Getting back to the activities you love is easier with the right wheelchair accessory..