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Exit Alarm Pressure Sensing Control Modules

Exit Alarm Pressure Sensing Control Modules
Scroll down to see our selection of bed sensors and exit alarms for sale.Bed sensors and exit alarms are used in nursing homes and assisted living facilities to monitor patients exiting the bed without assistance. We carry a large selection of bed sensors and exit alarms for sale including fall monitors, mobile monitors, 30 day bed sensors, 90 day bed sensors, 6 month bed sensors and 1 year sensors.
What are bed sensors and exit alarms? Bed sensors and exit alarms are devices used to alert care givers that a patient who should not get out of bed unassisted is doing so. These bed sensors and exit alarms can help reduce falls and can promote quick assistance to patients who have fallen. Bed sensors are typically placed beneath the patient, under the shoulders or in the buttocks area. The bed sensor is then attached to a control unit or exit alarm generally mounted on the bed or wall. Bed sensors and exit alarms help warn care givers of movement and in some cases remind the patient to call for help before exiting on their own.