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Bariatric Shower Gurneys

Bariatric Shower Gurneys, PVC Bariatric Shower Gurneys by MJM
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Bariatric shower gurneys are used to transport a heavier patient to a shower or bathing area. We carry PVC bariatric shower gurneys in either 600 or 900 pound weight capacities. With an attached drain pan, our bariatric shower gurneys can be used just about anywhere.What is a bariatric shower gurney? Bariatric shower gurneys are designed to help maintain a large patient’s hygiene when mobility is limited. Constructed of medical grade PVC piping and nylon mesh sling, bariatric shower gurneys are sturdy, water resistant and easy to clean. Features of bariatric shower gurneys include a closed-cell pad, safety rails, and eight casters. Bariatric shower gurneys are typically used in facilities, but with a drain pan can be used in any room with a drain. ..